
The World Will Hold its Breath

by Bernie Ganley

3 Aug 2024

Anerley Town Hall

Game fee is £35.00

War Plan Barbarossa was the largest and most decisive campaign in World War Two. For the Germans and their Allies, it was the culmination of their dream of quick and final victory that would end the war in Europe. For the Soviet Union it was a titanic struggle for survival. Can you cross the Volga in 12 weeks or can you as Soviet Russia survive the onslaught of vast panzer armies and air fleets.

At Right Angles to Reality Redux

by Brian Cameron, Paul Hill, Richard Hands and Bruce Walton

26 Oct 2024

Anerley Town Hall

Game fee is £35.00

A game of Gothic Horror set in a small New England town in 1924. Some seek the power of dark gods, some to save the world! What will your investigations reveal? Based on the first version run in 2006.

Two Brush Strokes

by Dave Boundy

23 Nov 2024

Anerley Town Hall

Although not yet open for payment, you can book now to hold a place on the waiting list. When it is open, then you will receive an email.
Game fee is £35.00

The Megagame of China in 1929. This is a political and operational game involving warlords, nationalists, communists, Soviet Russians and Japanese. You will be a very senior figure making hard military, economic and political decisions.

Designer's Comments

16th Century religious wars

This sort of built on my 1494 game and looked at the relationships and rivalries between states across Europe, just at the time when Martin Luther was launching the reformation. So there was: dynastic struggle, religious strife, warfare, politics and birth, deaths & marriages. The time frame of four years per turn meant that I could cover some 24 years, a sufficient length of time in which players would grow older (and possibly die), get married and have children. So why not do it in a game. I drew out family trees for the prominent families of the period to the starting point of 1517 and allowed the players to arrange marriages for themselves and their relatives, marriages which resulted (in most cases) in children. And the players went for this in a big way.

The religious strife between protestants and catholics involved religious debates as well as politics and warfare. Some players could change their faith but most couldn’t. This aspect also built on the systems developed for Habsburg Ascendant.

The structure was also another example of why it’s difficult to define megagames: many players belonged to more than one ‘team. So a cardinal in France belonged to the French team and the Papal team. A German prince would be a part of the Holy Roman Empire team, the German Princes team and possibly the Luther or Calvinist teams.

This is undoubtedly my favourite of all the games I’ve designed as it covers so many aspects. Possibly I could do an alternative history version and shoe-horn in alchemy (weird science) and Cthulhu sub-games but that would be it!


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